Dear Kevin Richardson.

Happy birthday from one  October baby to another. I cannot believe that you are the first one to turn 50, especially with the group still around. Like with so many things, you will teach the rest of them about entering that decade of life with grace. Will you still be dancing, though?

I was not around during your absence from the group.  However, I have heard about its impact on Nick, Brian, and your fans in particular.  It was brave of you to take time off for yourself, especially when the implications and duration of your departure were unclear.  It taught some of us a lot.  However, it was probably easier to do so as primarily one of the backup singers in the group.   If you had been more prominent like your cousin, your absence would have left an even more immense void. That is why there was immense happiness and cheers when you returned.

Although it was amicable, it still hurt

If you did not think fans felt your absence, keep in mind some left because you did.  For those who stayed, the group felt incomplete without you.  Some missed your harmony, although Howie replaced you on your parts.  There were calls to replace you. The others ultimately rejected that were irreplaceable Sure, they could teach someone new the songs, but there was a lot of institutional memory there. I also heard you left in part because of label politics.  I understand that, especially after hearing about what fans call the Dirty Little Secrets era and the politics surrounding Nick’s first solo album.   Especially at the end, Jive did not know how to market you. Jive’s financial decline also made it was a recipe for complete abandonment. Therefore, it was not surprising you returned after that was settled if that was the case. , The reaction to your return proved that even though you were in the background, you were still significant.

Although, to their credit, the reaming four went on without him, Kevin Richardson’s return once again made the group feel complete.

Thanks for leaving your footprints on the group

I always considered you the group leader because of your maturity. If you got along with Nick then, you probably would have been considered for the guardian role. I am sure you convinced Brian to stay the first time despite his disillusionment with how management treated him. You put AJ on the road to recovery.  While Nick required a more subtle approach, the book you gave him got him through his dark days.  It shows that you were a better judge of personality than I am. It surprised me that an equally confrontational approach failed with Nick.  When you learned to be a friend and not just the boss that brought you and Nick together. Your tears and vulnerability surprise me, considering how serious you are at times.  One of these days, the others will probably make you laugh.

Along with  Brian, you provided examples of the stability that  Nick craved at the time.  Kevick is just as cute as Frick and Frackhough all three of you together are funny.  In one picture, you like the annoyed cat in between two over-friendly dogs.  And I agree sometimes AJ’s antics can be over the top.  However, considering that you almost lost him, you probably appreciate him more. When I heard you tell the story of how you saw the rest of the guys in Japan while they were filming the Bigger video, I knew your affection for them was never gone, even if you were. Those “surprise” appearances with the rest of them were also an indication of the ongoing friendship.

Speaking of You and Brian…

Without your invitation, Brian would have never been in the group nor a mainstream entertainer.  Of course, he reminded of that publicly and perhaps privately after you returned. So it was appropriate that he announced your return. I have always wondered about your relationship as a kid.  Although you probably did not see Brian and his family much, I could tell you were close.  We have known you so long as groupmates that we quickly forgot you two are the blood family of the group. I loved watching you two being inducted into the Kentucky Hall of Fame.

There is room for another Backstreet Boy on the solo scene

, I think I speak for a lot of fans with this favor Go ahead and at least do a solo EP, if not an entire album Your groupmates say you’re a perfectionist. That probably makes you feel extra vulnerable on your own. I thought you were more group-oriented anyway, which is something else I can relate to.   You may be no Justin, as you said, but you should at least try. AJ and Nick never had Justin’s breakout success but have amassed a solo following too.
. You can even try your hand at instrumental music as a pianist if you feel mainstream music is too competitive.  Mindi Abair is anxious to work with you individually because she thinks you are talented.   Considering you both have crossed genres, it would be a good match.  Getting out of that comfort zone just might keep you inspired too. Whatever you decide to do,  You just need to be brave enough to be upfront again, just like your groupmates.


11 Reasons We Love Kevin Richardson – What Happens On The Backstreet (

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